
Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan

Lawyers for Lawyers


We frequently work with transactional lawyers in other firms who require support for a number of reasons including:-

– where the firm either does not have any, or any significant, property litigation experience;

– where there is a conflict; and

– where the work involves management and/or other low value  matters.

We act for a number of UK firms who specialise in just transactional work and some overseas firms, mainly US firms, who do not have property litigation expertise. We work on a referral or consultancy basis. In relation to the latter we provide legal, strategic, and procedural advice and draft and arrange service of certain documents, eg break notices and notices under the 1954 Act. It is a matter for the firm instructing us whether they explain our role to their client.

In the larger cases we are happy to discuss fee sharing