
Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan Dewar Hogan

Dewar Hogan

Company News
Light coming through a window

Rights to Light

500 333 Ron Hogan

Light is something that we enjoy and take advantage of every single day without even noticing just how much we rely on it for all aspects of our daily lives. From the light that comes in through our bedroom windows to wake us up each morning to the ambiance and atmosphere it creates in our…

Developers, deposits and penalties!

150 150 Ron Hogan

Residential developers, as is well known, like to sell their creations before they are finished, and inevitably there is a certain attrition rate among buyers over the eighteen months or so that may elapse between contract and completion. Usually by then the buyer will have paid a fair proportion of the purchase price, typically 10%…